How do I use an AI voice over for YouTube shorts?

How do I use an AI voice over for YouTube shorts

AI voice over: Using an artificial intelligence (AI) voice for YouTube shorts can be a good way to introduce narration or dialogue to your films without having to record your own voice or hire actors. Here’s how:

1. Select an AI Voice Generator

You will find several AI-based Text-to-speech services that can produce natural-sounding voices on the web. For example Google Text-to-Speech, Amazon Polly, IBM Watson Text to Speech, etc. Find out which one suits you best according to language support, audio quality, and pricing.

2. Prepare Your Script

Draft your YouTube short script including any video clip that you want in the film. Ensure you keep the text straightforward, brief, and informative so as to attract more views from your audience.

3. Open up AI Voice Generator

The site where this particular AI voice generator is available allows users to create accounts here. Follow simple instructions given on how to access and use the text-to-speech service.

4. Feed Your Script

Input your script by pasting it into the text processing box provided within online platforms of such a kind of AI voice generator. Other platforms may also enable the uploading of such texts through documents.

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5. Picking The Right Voice

Opt for a preferred choice among numerous voices offered by these voice engines for purposes of narrating anything at all human-like.

6. Create the Voiceover

Begin the text-to-speech conversion process after verifying the settings and selecting a voice. Thereafter, this AI will form an audio file for you that contains its narration.

7. Download the Audio File:

Once you have generated your voice-over, download it onto your device or computer ensuring that you save it in a format suitable for your video editing software.

8. Add the Voice-over to Your Video

Import the audio file you’ve downloaded into your video editing software and then sync it with your video footage. Trim or fix up the audio where necessary so that it matches well with respect to the timing as well as the pacing of your videos.

9. Preview and Export

Listen through again and confirm that all sounds okay on this video before the final exportation of the AI voiceover. Make any adjustments as needed then export/export out the last video clip.

10. Upload to YouTube

Upload your video onto the YouTube channel like any other content once done with preparing it. Be sure to optimize the title, description, and tags for increased visibility or engagement.

Just by sticking to these tips, one can easily use an AI voiceover in their YouTube shorts hence adding professional narrations or dialogues that make their videos more captivating to attract more people.