Top 21 Websites That Pay You to Write Articles

Top 21 Websites That Pay You to Write Articles

Introduction: Write Articles

There are a myriad of opportunities for freelance writers in the digital age. Many websites will pay you to write articles with the increasing demand for quality content. Whether you’re an experienced writer or just starting out, there’s a platform out there that suits you; let’s look at 21 such websites.

The Escalating Need for Freelance Writers

For businesses and individuals who depend on online content, the need for competent writers has never been higher. From blog posts and articles to technical writing and creative content, it is wide spread.

Writing Articles for Websites that Pay You – What Are The Benefits?

  • Flexibility: Conduct your work anywhere anytime.
  • Different kind of Opportunities: Write across different topics
  • Income Potential: Paying according to what has been produced
  • Development of skills: Enhancing research and writing skills.

Top 21 Websites That Pay You to Write Articles

1. Upwork



Upwork is one of the world’s largest online marketplaces connecting freelancers with clients globally. Writing jobs are found here under various niches, including blog posts and technical writing among others.

Getting Started

  • Sign Up: Create an Upwork account and complete your profile.
  • Browse Jobs: Find writing gigs that match your skillset.
  • Submit Proposals: Write eye-catching proposals to lure clients to hire you.
  • Get Hired: Once hired, complete the project and get paid.

2. Fiverr

An Overview Of Fiverr

Fiverr is a platform where freelancers can offer their services called “gigs” starting from five dollars (USD). Some of the services writers can provide include article writing, blog writing and many others.

How To Get Started

  • Create An Account: Register on fiverr website.
  • Make Gigs: Publish your writings as gigs complete with detailed explanations about them and how much they cost.
  • Advertise Your Gigs: Share your gigs in social media and other platforms to attract customers.
  • Finish Orders: Give quality work that will make you trusted by clients and paid for it.

3. ProBlogger

A Highlight On ProBlogger

ProBlogger is an online board for writers only. It has posts of jobs which are from recognized organizations looking for people who will write for them.

Read Also: Top 10 Online Earning Platforms to Start Making Money Today

Getting Started

  • Sign Up Now: Open a new account with!
  • Search for Jobs: Look for writing opportunities that match your skills.
  • Apply Now: Attach your CVs as well as samples of articles written by yourselves in the cover letters when you apply.
  • Get Employed: Do the assignments given by your employers to get paid at the end of each one of them.

4. Freelancer

Freelancer In Brief

Freelancer is another widely known freelance marketplace where you can bid on various types of writing jobs ranging from simple blogposts to complex technical pieces.

Getting Started

  • Join: Become a freelancer.
  • Search Jobs: Look for written works that attract you.
  • Make Offers: Place bids to projects with the prices of your proposal.
  • Become Employed: Win offers, finish tasks and earn money.

5. iWriter


A freelance platform where clients can post writing jobs while writers pick up one that suits them. It is suitable for all writers’ levels.

How to Get Started

  • Enroll: Register an account on iWriter.
  • Do a Quick Test: Show how good you are in writing to be accepted.
  • Assignments List: Select from available projects.
  • Write and Submit Your Assignment: Finish assignments and send them in for approval before receiving payment.

6. Textbroker


Textbroker links authors with those wanting diverse content genres. The ratings of texts vary according to the quality criteria set by clients; therefore, higher-rated copywriters gain access to better-paid orders.

How to Get Started

  • Create an Account: Sign up at Textbroker website.
  • Submit a Sample Piece of Writing: Rate it as per your writing sample result score card given by us only after reading through what you have written about yourself as well as other articles composed in this way or that which has been done elsewhere on several occasions too while they seem like just another bunch out there waiting around somewhere else until finally something happens again!
  • Order Page Search Results: Find available assignments here!
  • Start Writing & Submitting Tasks Now: Once everything’s done – submit assignment(s).

7. WritersDomain


WritersDomain provides opportunities for creating different types of content such as blog posts, articles and web content. Payment is made based on article quality.

How to Begin

  • Sign Up: Open an account with WritersDomain.
  • Submit a Writing Sample: Pass through the initial assessment.
  • Browse Jobs: Choose writing tasks from the available assignments.
  • Write and Submit: Fulfill orders and get paid for it.

8. Contena


Contena is a top-of-the-range freelance writing platform that provides lucrative writing gigs. It also has resources and training materials for freelance writers.

How To Get Started

  • Sign Up: Join Contena as a paid member.
  • Browse Jobs: Find high-paying jobs for writers on Contena.
  • Apply: Send applications to clients who may be interested in hiring you as a writer for their websites or blogs.
  • Get Hired: Writing Gigs That Pay, Not On Spec

9. Verblio


Verblio helps connect businesses with content providers. They have options when it comes to choosing what kind of articles they want to write and they are paid per article they complete.

How To Get Started

  • Sign Up: Create your Verblio Account today!
  • Complete a Writing Test: Prove how good of a writer you are by doing this test well or fail it altogether doesn’t matter does it?
  • Browse Jobs: Look at different types of writing projects available on our site and select those you can do best based on your skills, knowledge, and interest areas/preferences/
  • Write and Submit: Work on some more assignments before we pay you for them – but don’t worry because everything will go smoothly just like always – no worries about payment issues here guys!

10. Scripted


Scripted is an online marketplace that connects freelance writers with businesses looking for high quality content. Scripted offers writing opportunities in various topics including technology, health care, finance etc..

How To Get Started

  • Sign Up: Create a Scripted account and complete your profile.
  • Apply: Submit applications to writing jobs that match your skills.
  • Get Hired: Once selected, complete the assignments and get paid.

11. WritersWeekly

WritersWeekly is a place where freelance writers can find paid jobs. It has got different writing opportunities such as articles, essays or book reviews.

How to Get Started

  • Sign Up: Register for an account on WritersWeekly.
  • Browse Jobs: Look for assignments that are of interest to you.
  • Apply: Present your writing samples when submitting an application.
  • Get Hired: Do the work and get paid.

12. BlogMutt (Verblio)


BlogMutt now called Verblio is a platform that allows writers to create content for clients who need blog posts and articles. They cover various topics and pay per post.

How to Get Started

  • Sign Up: Create an account at Verblio.
  • Complete a Writing Test: Take a writing test on given topic or theme area so your writing skills will be assessed by the team of editors at Blogmutt which will help determine if you are truly qualified enough for landing any projects on their platform itself while also serving as some sort of example text at times like this one too regarding this matter here now though which may have been used instead should there have happened anything wrong whatsoever here indeed because they’re always looking forward towards making things better each time around; hence why we would like all our writers’ works reviewed before they start working together…..
  • Browse Jobs: Go over available projects and select any that you think you could do well in completing them as per client’s instructions provided during such project briefing session held via Skype chats where they clarify everything about what should be included within those materials needed throughout blogging process under specific contracts terms either involving companies like Xerox Corporation, PepsiCo Inc., General Electric Co…and others?…
  • Write and Submit: Finish assignments and get money for them.

13. Listverse


Listverse compensates writers who come up with list-based articles on various subjects. Their accepted lists earn authors $100 each.

How to Get Started

  • Sign Up: Register with Listverse.
  • Submit a List: Write and submit a list-based article for review.
  • Get Accepted: If your list makes the cut, you get $100.

14. A List Apart


A list apart is a platform that publishes articles about web design, development and related topics wherein writers are paid for producing high quality and deep pieces.

How to Get Started

  • Sign Up: Create an account a List Apart.
  • Submit a Pitch: Propose your article idea to the editors.
  • Get Accepted: Write the article if your pitch is accepted, and get paid.

15. Cracked


Cracked gives its writers money to churn out humorous articles on various subjects; they welcome pitches for list-based articles, personal essays, etc.

How to Get Started

  • Sign Up: Register with Cracked
  • Submit a Pitch: Propose your article idea to the editors.
  • Get Accepted: Write the article if your pitch is accepted, and get paid.

16. FundsforWriters


FundsforWriters provides remuneration for content creators who compose articles on making money through writing along with freelance-writer tips, resources and opportunities.

How to Get Started

  • Sign Up: Register at Fundsforwriters.
  • Submit a Pitch: Propose your article idea to the editors.
  • Get Accepted: Write the article if your pitch is accepted, and get paid

17. Penny Hoarder


The penny hoarder pays writers to create articles on personal finance, money saving tips and how to earn more money. It has a pitch submission policy for freelance writers.

How to Get Started

  • Sign Up: Create an account with the “Penny Hoarder”
  • Submit a Pitch: Suggest your editor an idea of what you want write about.
  • Get Accepted: Writing article based on said proposal that will earn you some rupees.

18. Income Diary


Income diary buys articles from writers who can write about making money online, blogging, and internet marketing. These are high quality feature posts with depth.

How to Get Started

  • Sign Up: Register by clicking on “Income Diary
  • Submit a Pitch: Put in writing an idea of what you want to say in your article to the editors.
  • Get Accepted: If your pitch is accepted, write the article and get paid.

19. Back to College


Back2College pays writers for articles about adult education, career advancement and online learning. The site accepts pitches from freelancers.

How to Get Started

  • Sign Up: Open an account at “Back 2 College”
  • Submit a Pitch: Give your article ideas for consideration by editors.
  • Get Accepted: If they approve it then pen down the piece not forgetting payment as expected

20. Textun


Textun is an organization that links individuals who write for a living with customers in need of well-written articles. Individuals who write can get jobs on different subjects and they are paid per post.

How to Get Started

  • Sign Up: Register at the site Textun.
  • Browse Jobs: Go through all the writing jobs available, choosing those that catch your attention or interest you.
  • Apply: Send your applications together with some samples of your written work.
  • Get Hired: Complete the tasks and receive payment for them.

21. HubPages


HubPages enables writers to create and share articles on various topics. The writers earn money from advertisements as well as marketing affiliates.

How to Get Started

  • Sign Up: Register in HubPages website.
  • Create Articles: Write, publish material within the platform.
  • Earn Revenue: Based on ad views or affiliate referrals, this is how you earn money here.


Writing for pay websites is an excellent way to make some cash and enhance your writing skills. With so many platforms in place, there are opportunities available for any writer; irrespective of their expertise level. Start exploring these sites today and turn your writing hobby into a business venture that earns you profit.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Can I Earn Writing Online?

Earnings vary on the platform, experience level and kind of content. Some writers make several hundred dollars a month, while some earn a living wage.

What Skills Do I Need to Be a Successful Freelance Writer?

Essential qualities include being good at writing, researching and sticking to deadlines. Besides this, knowledge of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and different types of writing can be beneficial as well.

Can I Write for Multiple Sites at Once?

Yes, many freelance writers work with multiple platforms in order to maximize their earnings as well as gain experience on different niches.

How Do I Get Paid?

Methods of payment differ from one site to another but commonly they involve PayPal, direct bank transfers or specific payment systems provided by the platforms themselves.

Are These Sites Suitable for Beginners?

Many of these sites welcome beginners; however it is crucial that you start on platforms that match your skills’ level and build your portfolio over time.